There is such rapid change happening now, it can be hard to keep up. Can you sense it? The first three to five days following the portal opening can be excessively draining, but it will continue at varying speeds until the 21st.
There are a lot of people feeling triggered right now. Wounds are opening up and if you aren’t prepared for them, they come masquerading as fights, discordance, and other people ‘attacking’ you. In reality, the patterns that have kept us strapped to the old world are coming up again to show you that now is the time for immense healing.
If you are awake and focused on your healing, you have probably felt fatigued. Other people’s energy has felt intrusive. If you have felt the physical signs of exhaustion, dehydration, or even sore feet (like you’ve had heels on too long), you’re leveling up.
Your focus is to stay in that self care and self love. Spread light. Focus on tapping into your higher self. Let yourself be involved in this massive group of people going through a soul evolution.
☾ It might be the dead of winter, but let yourself start blossoming.