Accessing the higher self within you can be something that seems incredibly lofty. It sounds like a daunting process that only can come through intense trials and tribulations. It sounds like the Tower tarot card. It seems like it would be trying to snag a pair of designer pumps in a size eight at a sample sale (i.e., impossible, without a great amount of effort). In reality, our higher selves and integration with our higher selves is on call. It’s like spiritual room service. Just ask. ☾
This is not to be confusing connecting with your spiritual self with the attitude at which you call up room service and have whatever you want, delivered. The act of connecting with your higher self is one of a grateful attitude not a demanding one. But the point is, is that connecting to your higher self can be as simple as asking. As simple as picking up the phone. Our higher selves, our angels, our guides, they often won’t act or make themselves apparent unless they are given permission or asked. Ask away. ☾
In reality, connecting and listening to your higher self is as simple as picking up the phone and asking for room service. You aren’t going to get a “wish list” of things in your life delivered to your door in 45 minutes or less, but you are going to get connected. Connecting to your spiritual self CAN be as simple as asking. ☾
I’ve struggled a lot recently with what that looks like. As a tarot reader and a medium, I’m pretty comfortable when a lot of spiritual goings-on. But when I haven’t seen a spiritual presence in my apartment for a few weeks, THAT’S when I start to thing that something’s wrong (the awakened path is wild, guys). But I’m focusing on how connecting to my spirit guides and my higher self looks in all scenarios – even the “quiet” ones. I know now that the best thing to do is just pick up the phone and ask. ☾
Whatever you want might not show up at your door. But if you ask to connect to your spirit guides and your higher self, you will. You just have to be prepared that sometimes what arrives is not what you ordered off the menu – good. It’s time to expand your palette.