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I’m always thinking about love. Not in the way that you likely think and certainly not in the way that conjures images of romantic comedies or Romeo and Juliet (also, read that book, it’s about the farthest thing from romance that you can possibly imagine and it’s incredibly toxic, thanks). Love is a universal force and if you were to ask me to describe god or the universe in one word, I’d say love. We are doing ourselves and our lives a great disservice when we attribute love to the matrix-driven concept of romantic love. Think of how it felt the last time you were in love, or had convinced yourself that you were? Imagine what your life would look like if you approached every day and everything in your life with that appreciation. ☾ But something that struck me recently was the idea of unconditional versus conditional love. The matrix-bound concept of romantic love will have you believe that there are a lot of conditions attached to love. I’ll love them if they take me to a nice enough restaurant, if they do this, if they think a certain way. Now, certainly, you should have standards — but the second that you begin making your love for someone performance based or based on a set of matrix-defined criteria, you’re doing it wrong. ☾ I have been reading an amazing book by @sadhguru, who aptly points out that there is no such thing as unconditional versus conditional love. There is just love, which by its nature is unconditional. There isn’t conditional and unconditional, there is just LOVE and then CONDITIONS that you attribute to it. Love in its energetic and purest form doesn’t come with a single condition. ☾ Love people without ego. Love without conditions. There is not conditional versus unconditional love — there is just love. No terms and conditions required.

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