Our wounds and energetic blocks manifest physically. The purity culture environment that I grew up in resulted in a lot of blocked sexual energy and a block of the divine feminine. It’s no surprise that I was diagnosed with PCOS at age sixteen, which is defined by an imbalance of hormones (it is legitimately an imbalance). 🌹 But, there can be drastic symptoms to PCOS, which I never had. I saw an acupuncturist two years ago who confirmed that my symptoms were mild, if at all present. When I got into yoga heavily earlier this year, I found a lot of tightness in my hip muscles, another physical manifestation of that block. 🌹 Owning my sexuality, reclaiming my divine feminine, and restoring myself to ultimate balance has been something that I have actively worked on. I finally saw a doctor earlier this week and confirmed that my PCOS is as well-managed as it can be. 🌹 I have no active symptoms and I should expect minor or no issues with fertility in the future (as compared to believing that I was straight-up infertile for years, part of my own mental block, too). 🌹 I’ll share more about the holistic things that I’ve done to balance my energy in the future. But it’s all energy. It’s all balance. You’re in complete control of your energy and you have the ability to take it back.