What you feeding yourself…? I don’t mean only physically. What are you feeding your mind and soul, as well as your body? ✨ It goes to say that eating healthy is important. There is a reason that vegetarianism and veganism are so popular amongst those who are high vibrational. That diet puts you in a high vibrational space. But it’s also all about balance… because sometimes you equally need a little splurge! (Hello, Jeni’s goat cheese and cherry ice cream) ✨ But what are you feeding your mind and soul? Sure, you could toss on Netflix every night, but does that serve your higher self? One of the things that I have been pulled towards, and have a lot of conversations with my best friend about, is really pushing away from entertainment media. ✨ Netflix is fine, when you want a good laugh or need that mental splurge… but other than that, I’ve been asking myself if watching a sitcom for the 1,000th time is as good for me as a documentary on star seeds or a 20-minute yoga session… ✨ There’s a huge difference in my day and my vibration when I feed it the right stuff. Your mind and soul are an energetic system, just like your body, so what you eat matters!