One of the things that purity culture robs from you is a connection with your divine feminine identity. Even if you did not grow up a part of purity culture, if pieces of your divine feminine are disconnected, the effect is the same. 🌹 Your divine feminine identity is your birthright. It is who you are, intrinsically. Everyone has a divine feminine identity, regardless of birth sex or gender expression. 🌹 It is your secret, magical bag of tricks. It is an identity that connects you to the source and reminds you of your destiny. You have divine magic and a purpose, something that is absolutely unique to you. Own it! 🌹 Purity culture and disconnection from your divine feminine keeps you from owning part of YOU. It separates you from your body autonomy and always puts you in the context of your relationship to someone else (your parents, “God”, a romantic relationship). You were designed to stand alone, in your full glory. 🌹 Reach into your own bag of magical tricks and see what incredible surprises the divine feminine has for you there!