DIVINE MASCULINE AND DIVINE FEMININE ARE EQUAL PARTS ✨ Whether in a romantic relationship or within yourself, the divine masculine and divine feminine are two equal parts. There needs to be balance between the both of them. ✨ Some spiritual practitioners are hellbent on elevating the divine feminine over the divine masculine. On insisting that the creator of the earth and universal energies are female and only female. False. There is a male counterpart to every female energy. As there should be! ✨ Divine masculines and the divine masculine energy in us have an equal and important role in the universe and in our spirit. The feminine is innately intuitive and the masculine is the manifestor. ✨ Your own masculine and divine energies do this within you and need balance between them. Divine masculines and divine feminines bring these elements to a 3D partnership that raises the earth’s vibration. ✨ Bringing new definitions to “his and hers”: equal respect and equal roles in life.