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New Year’s Eve Prayers

Happy New Year’s Eve! Here is a New Year’s prayer for all of your rituals that you are partaking in tonight. It can be as elaborate or as simple as you wish. Swinging in the New Year is all about your intention, it’s not based on your performance. The universe recognizes your effort. ☾
Earlier this morning, my best friend sent me an amazing post on the numerology of ‘2019’. It is a ‘3’ year, meant for synchronicity. The right miracles will happen to you, right on time (on the universe’s time, that is). Everything is going to be coming together. After a year marked by Jupiter in Scorpio, we spent a lot of time going within, going deeper, getting comfortable with the darker parts of ourselves and the wounds that we need to heal. ☾
In 2019, Jupiter is in Sagittarius. It is a year of 3 and synchronicity. There will be abundance, there will be blessings, and everything will come to you the way that you have manifested. ☾
So be grateful tonight. Be grateful for all of the lessons that you learned in 2018. Be grateful for all of the relationships, blessing, love, and light that you have in your life. Let the New Year wash over you – and celebrate however you’d like (for me, it’s a vegetarian lasagna and non-alcoholic rose!).

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