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When the Veil is Closed

When the sun is too bright or the weather is bad, you’ll close the curtains in your room. Maybe you’re just hoping to sleep-in and don’t want the sunlight waking you up. We’ll shut the blinds and close the curtains whenever we’re in the need of additional rest or shielding ourselves from the outdoors. The ‘veil’ isn’t any different. ☾
January was eclipse season. February has brought in Pisces season, which seems to make everything slooooow down and things move from a place of action to a place of daydreams and planning. We gear up for Aries season, the astrological new year, so it’s a time period for relaxing and purging. You’re subconsciously purging and clearing out massive wounds and stagnant energy as you get ready for the astrological New Year. ☾
We pull the curtains in our home when we need more of a reprieve. The veil is similar. If you’ve been feeling tired, or that the month of February has dragged on for ages – consider that the veil has been closed for a little while. I know that I’ve had struggles getting up for work in the morning and have had no energy for anything once I get home. I felt really dislodged and as if my intuition had been “turned off.” ☾
It’s just a period of rest while the veil is closed, like curtains when we need to sleep. We’re getting ready to emerge into a new astrological year, so the curtains and the veil is drawn closed so we can get a little bit more rest. So you can sleep in past the sunrise, because your body needs it right now. Once you’re awake, you’ll pull back the curtains and the veil and the sun will be shining, brighter than ever and ready to greet you. ☾
Today is the 3rd day, of the 3rd month, of a 3rd universal year. We are clearing out old, toxic energy systems and are going to start seeing an influx of new energy and synchronicities. If you feel like the veil is closed for you right now, let your body and mind take the rest it needs.
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