I’ve talked about my specific journey with celibacy and the reason why sacred sexuality is so important, but if you don’t know really how it’s defined — keep reading. Sacred sexuality is a well-known concept in most major Eastern religions. Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism all have their own beliefs when it comes to sexuality as a pathway to the divine. ☾
Sex is never casual, even when you consider it “casual sex” due to the world’s fascination with a hook-up culture. The physical act of sex opens you up (both male and female) and connects you innately to someone else’s spiritual plane. It’s the most intimate and direct way to exchange your energy with someone else. Even if you’re keeping your ego-mind and the ego-heart out of it (“no strings attached”), you’re creating energetic ties to that person. To be clear, I’m not about judging anyone for their ‘number’, and everyone should live their truth. But there tends to be a real lack of understanding of how sex connects to your energetic field. ☾
Sex rewires all of your energetic circuits. The chakras and the energetic fields that exist in all of us begin orbiting during the act of sexual intercourse, and they become tied and connected to the energetic fields of your sexual partner. This can deepen, realign, and elevate your chakras and your energetic field, when you are practicing sacred sexuality and engaging with a partner who has an equal understanding of spirituality. ☾
Hindu and Buddhist tantra, or tantric sex, is the best “textbook” study of sacred sexuality. This typically involves raising the consciousness through sex, by utilizing the sexual energy, which lights up your energetic field. This isn’t about turning sex into a textbook study or an act without pleasure, either. It’s all about balance and understanding that Western culture has greatly over-sexualized sex. It’s something that’s dirty, done in the dark, behind closed doors, with partners or one night stands. When in reality, it can be one of the greatest tools for connecting with your partner on a spiritual level and elevating your consciousness.