If there was anything that I’ve learned after going through another solo trip and spending intimate time with myself, it’s that you should always be pursuing things that align with your heart. This seems like an obvious course of action, but the message “do what you love” is diluted amongst Pinterest boards and shiplap hand-lettering signs that you can buy on Etsy. ☾
Putting your heart into something might mean setting up new boundaries for yourself. In my case, it meant deleting text messages from people who weren’t respecting me — even though they are close family — and leaving the conversation behind me. It meant having long dinners with myself by candlelight, reflecting on what makes my soul sing and what I wanted to throw myself into upon my return to the ‘real world.’ ☾
Don’t do what makes your heart happy. Do what puts your heart in alignment. Some of these things might be difficult and they might not be ‘pretty.’ But you know that they’re right. I’ve been sitting on a few decisions in my life and I was very caught up on whether they made my ego ‘happy.’ I kept telling myself I was unsure because I didn’t know if I was supposed to act or not. I blamed my hesitation on not doing what made my heart ‘happy.’ But ‘happy’ is an ego emotion – ‘alignment’ is soul calling. It might not always feel easy, but it’ll always feel right.