There really is something to be said about surrendering yourself to your higher self and the plans that the universe has laid out for you. We are in more control than we think, and we have free will in order to be able to choose our destinies. But sometimes, myself included, I get a little bogged down by decisions and I dilute the grander messages that I’ve been sent by the universe. If you know that something is designed for you and your higher self is encouraging you to go after it, even if it make you nervous or afraid. ☾
I talked a little bit on my last post on why I feel that sometimes “happy” is an ego-emotion. Happiness and love are states of mind that we should strive for, of course, and come from being in alignment. But the act of getting into alignment means that you were in misalignment, just by the nature of the fact that you are getting INTO alignment. Happiness is a good thing, but getting into alignment can sometimes make us feel afraid or cautious. We can mislead ourselves away from our true calling by saying, “Well, it doesn’t make me happy, so it’s not my calling,” when that isn’t always true. ☾
The things that are right for you are always going to feel right. Don’t worry about that and don’t misquote me – don’t do things that are dangerous or out of your path. But if you KNOW that a decision is for you, don’t turn away from it because it makes you feel nervous, afraid, scared, or out of control. Getting into alignment is like going to the chiropractor. It doesn’t necessarily hurt (sometimes it does), but there is always a crack getting your body into alignment. Making decisions on your spiritual alignment can cause the same thing. ☾
I have gotten to a point in my relationship with myself that is so wildly refreshing from where I was. The amount of trust I have in myself (rather, my higher self) and the amount that I’m willing to go on things based on my own intuition is incredibly rewarding – but it’s scary, too. Because that new level of a relationship with self also brought me to a few decisions that need to be made. In making my decisions, it doesn’t need to make me “happy” just be in alignment.