BIG SCORPIO ENERGY. Tomorrow, Venus goes into its natal Taurus and the moon shifts to Scorpio as we prepare for the Scorpio Full Moon. Taurus is ruled by Venus, and when the planet returns home, expect the energy in the world to soften. Soft but never complacent, Venus returning to Taurus means that all of us are going to feel love incorporating itself into every area of our lives — even the ‘non-romantic’ areas of our life. ☾
Pair this energy with the Scorpio Full Moon, of seductive and regenerative energy (Scorpio is represented by the Phoenix, as well as the scorpion) — and we’ve got a cosmic match made in the (actual) heavens. There is going to be waves of emotion, but expect them to roll through you easily and turn yourself into the path of least resistance. What does the ultimate love affair look like to you? What are your boundaries and standards for a relationship? What does radical self love look like in every moment of your life? ☾
Full Moons bring endings and new beginnings, at the same time — like how Scorpio is both death and rebirth, at the same time. The Scorpio Full Moon, combined with the security and abundance of Venus in Taurus, is the perfect energy to find the ultimate confidence in your vulnerability. Fall in love with yourself. Cry. Love will be on everyone’s heart and mind. Cultivate the relationship you have with yourself and your loved ones to have it bloom more fruitfully than ever in the next six months (until the Scorpio New Moon). ☾
There are going to be plenty of surprises over the next few days as you open up to yourself. Let yourself feel things. Be honest with yourself and those feelings that you normally keep locked up. I’m a sun Scorpio, and while Scorpio’s are known for being some of the toughest and most resilient signs emotionally, I know I don’t always have to be. I’m setting myself free to day dream, to love, to laugh, and to feel deliciously vulnerable — and fuck anyone who has a problem with that (I’m still a Scorpio, after all).