As we enter into July — complete with a mercury retrograde, solar eclipse, and lunar eclipse — take a minute to come to the understanding that you are not simply “screwed” when looking at a month full of strong, cosmic energy. I see a lot of posts from people who are posting memes in genuine seriousness as if they’ve already decided to have a bad month and blame it on these transits. Spoiler: these events only bring about other events and awareness that you were always meant to have, and anything that falls away was meant to. ☾ Tomorrow’s complete solar eclipse will be the first complete eclipse since 2017. The energy is strong and this month can be completely transformational, if you let it. We have six months until the end of 2019 and we usher in 2020, which is going to have major spiritual and energetic overhauls for the entire planet. What can you accomplish in six months? I’m not talking about promotions or material things, but what about your dream life can you manifest? Can you change your thought process? Can you get closer to enlightenment? Six months is a long time and July’s eclipse energy is perfect for slowing down and getting rid of things that no longer serve you. ☾ I, for one, am excited for all of these transits and major celestial moves. It’s an opportunity to cleanse things from your life that are no longer serving you, to re-up your ongoing commitment to yourself and your spiritual path, and to evaluate your relationships. What is working for you? What life do you want to have in six months, when we enter 2020? ☾ The ability is completely within you. Whether you are a fan of rituals during eclipses or not (which is a person to person personal preference), set time aside tomorrow especially to quiet your spirit and be open to what the universe is telling you to do or drop. 📷: @serpentfire