The past few days have felt incredibly chaotic for me. Even though we just passed through the Lion’s Gate Portal, this past Monday seemed to send me for a loop (everyone I talked to also felt like it was an insane day)! ✨ I took the time to pull from one of my favorite decks – the Rumi Oracle by Alana Fairchild – and landed on this: “The effect of this karmic cycle now unfolding in your life is to bring you into sweet surrender and awakening into greater love… the teacup is not made to hold the ocean!” ✨ 2020 is all about learning to go with the waves. Let yourself be gently ebbed through the currents as you awaken into a higher calling and greater love. Let yourself be inspired. Witness the change but do not let yourself be drowned by it. Simply be like water and flow. 🌊